
SCHLUMBOHM Medizin-Labor-Technologie-Hamburg GmbH

Worldwide sales of the new steam sterilizers and washer disinfectors from SCHLUMBOHM Medizin-Labor-Technologie-Hamburg GmbH to clinics, doctor’s offices and laboratories

Worldwide sales of the new steam sterilizers and washer disinfectors from SCHLUMBOHM Medizin-Labor-Technologie-Hamburg GmbH to clinics, doctor's offices and laboratories. SCHLUMBOHM Medizin-Labor-Technologie-Hamburg GmbH offer an extraordinary product portfolio with very innovative medical and laboratory devices worldwide: Steam sterilizers, washer disinfectors, steam disinfection systems, large-volume washer-disinfectors, care combinations, bedpan washers, autoclaves, laboratory...

SCHLUMBOHM Sterilisator SHS.1.1

The new sterilizers of the SHS.1 series

Steam sterilizers (1 StU) for small clinics, practices and medical care centers

SCHLUMBOHM Sterilizer SHS.1.1 (1 StU)

– ergonomic and future-proof – fast and fully automatic – low space requirement


– very compact, fits through any door – flexible installation (unit on rollers) – autom. door opening, does not require compressed air – economical due to...

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